Tech-Led Workers’ Comp Made Easy, Part 2: Tech Deployment

In Part 1 of Tech-Led Workers’ Comp Made Easy, you learned how the broker education process, offered by our Broker Success Team, can help you understand Kinetic’s wearable technology in order to leverage it as a selling point with clients. And that brokers who’ve completed this education have about 90% of their customers adopt Kinetic tech to reduce injuries. 

In this installment, we’re looking at how the Broker Success Team supports those clients who adopt the tech and guides them through the tech deployment process. Our experts become an extension of your team, teaching your clients how to use the wearables and taking care of them every step of the way. We strive to make it as easy as possible – for both you and your customers!

Launching the Tech Program

Injury-preventing technology, included for free with a workers’ comp policy, is a game changer for most companies. It helps to prevent workplace injuries before they happen, which means a more productive workforce and an opportunity to save on workers’ comp claims costs.

Kinetic’s wearable tech is proven to effectively:

  • Reduce strain & sprain injury frequency by 50-60%
  • Reduce lost work days by 72%
  • Lower claims cost by 50% in environments with high strain & sprain injury rates

With hundreds of successful tech deployments under our belts, we’re well-equipped to get your clients’ wearable safety programs up and running. Our Broker Success Team connects directly with your clients to set up their tech, train their workers and provide ongoing support.  

Below is a brief case study that demonstrates the tech deployment process and the positive early results a wearable program can have.

A Successful Remote Deployment

A San Francisco Bay Area hospitality laundry service introduced the Kinetic wearable program to about a third of its employees in roles including delivery, maintenance, wash and production, at two locations, in the spring of 2022. 

The 3-step deployment process was fully-remote and included: 

Step 1: Onboarding (30 Minutes)

The company’s management met with a Kinetic onboarding manager to learn about the Kinetic technology program and determine how many devices would be needed to effectively reduce the likelihood of injury for their at-risk workers. The policyholders then signed a lease agreement that officially endorses them for the Kinetic dividend program.

Step 2: Training (45 Minutes)

The management team attended a brief virtual training session where they learned how to set up and properly use their Kinetic devices. At the conclusion of the training call, the policyholders were fully prepared to begin reducing workplace injury risk with Kinetic technology.

Step 3: Ongoing Support (As Needed)

The laundry service is taking advantage of optional touchpoints to review program results, discuss claims trends and learn about additional complimentary services offered by Nationwide that can further reduce their workplace injury risk. Like all Kinetic policyholders, they will receive ongoing assistance from onboarding managers who monitor the impact of the tech on worker safety throughout the duration of their policy.

Keys to a Successful Tech Deployment:

  • A dedicated operations manager is chosen to lead the program and educate employees and management about the importance of consistently wearing Kinetic devices. 
  • A majority of the policyholder’s at-risk workforce is utilizing Kinetic wearable devices.
  • Management leverages the Kinetic dashboard and automated email reports to understand, measure, and maximize the impact of the Kinetic technology program over the length of their policy.

Positive Early Results

With the Kinetic wearable platform, the policyholder experienced a 26% reduction in high-risk postures in the initial 6 weeks of deployment, across both sites. This reduction in high-risk postures reduces the risk of injury in their workforce.

Kinetic Reflex led to a 26% decrease in high risk postures

“Kinetic has helped us improve safety at our company. You can see it when you look around. Our people are wearing their devices and it’s raising their safety awareness. Now we are seeing the outcome in our lower claims frequency.”

Safety Manager

Early positive results led the laundry service to expand the wearable tech program in the fall of 2022 to cover a majority of their production team and 100% of their drivers. They are currently considering further expansion in the year to come.

Ready to connect your customer with tech deployment support? Reach out to the Broker Success Team at to get the process started.

Meet Lucas Bradford, Broker Success Manager

Lucas Bradford, Broker Success Manager at Kinetic Insurance

Lucas joined the Broker Success Team at Kinetic in November 2021. He leads the tech deployment process, managing Kinetic Insurance deployments to help policyholders leverage Kinetic’s wearable devices to prevent workplace injuries. Lucas also trains broker partners on our wearable tech offering and supports brokers in point-of-sale meetings.

“Kinetic’s wearable devices are a proven tool for preventing workplace injuries and we’ve developed an extremely simple process for deploying them to at-risk workers. 

When brokers and policyholders are properly educated, we’ve consistently seen meaningful reductions in the frequency and severity of injuries due to the use of our technology.

That means employees are safer and workers’ comp insurance becomes more affordable when Kinetic wearables are used!”

Reach out to Lucas at